Hello Everyone,
The updated version (Release 779) of TikForce Platform was released on 20/06/2018.
Release Notes with the details of enhancements added to the system and bug fixes are below.
Please contact TikForce Support ([email protected]) or any further details.
Kind Regards
TikForce Operations
Release R79
Proposed for release: 20th June 2018
Organisation Portal
The following enhancements to existing functionality have been added to the Organisation Portal:
Added Worker Documents Link in Worker Position Details page where manger can download credentials added by worker for the Position
- The Positions table on the Project Details page now shows the number of workers in the project position, as well as how many are required.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed to the Organisation Portal:
- The TF-Org-Positions-Statistics Dynamic Report now does not include removed workers.
- The widgets on the Project Details page in the Organisation Portal now properly show the data relevant to them.
- The flights page for Project Positions now does not show "p: " in the worker's details if they do not have a phone number.
TikForce Positions Application
New Features
The following new features have been added to the TikForce Positions Application:
- A new feature has been added to the system to allow replacing an expiring credential before it has expired, without affecting the position status.This new feature can be accessed at the Positions Portal > Renew expiring position page
The following enhancements to existing functionality have been added to the TikForce Positions Application:
- Declarations are now verified on completion, and can be verified by the auto-processing system.
- In the ID Verification, the Medicare option for Secondary Documents no longer requires a photo of the card, and has a helpful image showing what the user needs to input clearly.
- Users of iPhones, iPads, and macOS based computers will now be given a warning during Inductions about potential issues, and be asked to complete the Induction in a new window.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed to the TikForce Positions Application:
- The Police Check Smart Collector now properly sets the status of the police check upon completing it.